Hearing loss and Depression
A ton has been discussed the significance of health check-ups and timely consultation. In any case, preventive wellbeing checks and wellbeing screening is often overlooked. Who needs to get a regular check-up done? Well, everybody! From children to grown-ups, from ladies to old-age adults, everybody needs to get their health checked. When people struggle to…
A ton has been discussed the significance of health check-ups and timely consultation. In any case, preventive wellbeing checks and wellbeing screening is often overlooked.
Who needs to get a regular check-up done? Well, everybody!
From children to grown-ups, from ladies to old-age adults, everybody needs to get their health checked. When people struggle to hear, communication becomes a challenge which is soon followed by the self-imposed social isolation, loneliness and seclusion.
There is enough research to establish the connection between the hearing loss and depression. According to a recent study, 11. 4 percent adults with hearing impairment are diagnosed with moderate to severe depression while over 19% of the adults has mild depressive symptoms.
One in every 5 adults have clinical depression according to the study by University of New England, Australia.
How does hearing loss lead to depression?
Hearing loss can affect people’s lives in all kinds of ways. It can make them feel more vulnerable when they leave the house, impact job performance and transform their relationships, leading to depression. The hearing trouble severely hampers the quality of life. Many people do not seek help for hearing loss or depression and isolate themselves from the society. The hearing loss could affect people in following ways
Denial and Anger issues
Losing the ability to hear can be a drastic change to your every day life. Adjusting to the new normal could be extremely difficult. Denial is common and could make the person easily irritable and angry. We take hearing for granted and the sudden loss or absence of it could be difficult to accept.
Social Isolation
The frustration of not being able to hear could lead people to avoid interaction with others. They feel anxious and stressed in social set-ups. Having a casual conversation becomes difficult as the fear missing out on the conversation. In order to avoid the awkward situations, the hearing loss patients avoid meeting people and avoid company.
Hearing loss strains a person as it demands more energy. Trying to process the speech or the sounds around us causes brain fatigue. Hearing loss demands the cognitive resources to spend extra efforts in processing the sounds. The fatigue sets in and could cause anxiety and depression.
What to do next?
An audiologist could help you with the hearing loss. A right hearing aid can help you handle your hearing troubles and thereby handle depression.
How hearing aids work?
All portable hearing aids utilize similar fundamental parts to carry sounds from the surroundings into your ear. Most portable hearing aids are advanced and they operate with battery or a rechargeable battery. Getting used to a hearing aid may take time but eventually you get accustomed to it.
The earlier we understand and address the hearing loss, higher are the chances to avoid further damage both physically and psychologically. In case of symptoms, get the treatment from the best audiologist for your hearing loss treatment without any delay.
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