Ear Protection for All Needs

Did you know hearing loss can happen when you are exposed to noise? While most hear loss is due to old age and birth defects, there is still a notable percentage of hear loss that is a result of exposure to loud noises. The good part is that hearing problems caused due to noise are…

ear protection devices

Did you know hearing loss can happen when you are exposed to noise? While most hear loss is due to old age and birth defects, there is still a notable percentage of hear loss that is a result of exposure to loud noises.

The good part is that hearing problems caused due to noise are preventable. You can protect your ears using ear protection devices. These devices reduce the sound intensity and protect your ears when you are in a noisy environment.

You need a hearing protection when the sound that you are being exposed to is above 85 Db. In your day-to-day life, you will often listen to sounds over this threshold. Say, the car horns are 110 dB, various sounds in a busy street range around 85 Db, police or ambulance siren are 120 dB and so on. An exposure to 110 dB of sound can put you at a risk of permanent hearing loss.

To reduce the exposure to such damaging noise, you can wear a hearing protection device. HNR Speech and Hearing Clinic have various hearing aids centres in Hyderabad. We have hearing aid specialists who can assess your hearing and suggest the Best Digital Hearing Aids for you.

The thumb rule to determine if you require hearing protection is that – you face difficulty listening to normal tone at a distance of 3 feet. This means that the environment you are in, have noise levels exceeding the normal. 

Here are different types of hearing protection devices


Earplugs are inserts made of moulded foam that can fit into your ear canal.  These earplugs are effective when they cover/block your ear canal completely. They can be made in various size and shapes as per individual requirement. 

At HNR, we provide ear protection for all needs. Our hearing specialists can help you to get customized earplugs that fit perfectly in your ear canal.


Semi-earplugs are a combination of earplug & headband. These cannot insert your ear canal like the earplugs. They are held over your outer ear canal with the help of headband. Semi-earplugs are readymade and cannot be customized.


Earmuffs can be worn on your outer ear canal. This way they can cover your entire ear canal and air seal it. These ear muffs are often worn with an additional headband to keep the ear muffs firm in one place. The headband can be adjusted to amend the ear muffs’ position.

Properly fitted ear protection devices help in reducing sound intensity by 15-30 dBs. If you are exposed to more than 105 dB sound, consider wearing both earmuffs and earplugs simultaneously. 

Many MP3 users listen to music at higher levels without realizing how much damage it can cause. Please know that your music players are not a form of hearing protection device. 

Ensure that external ear protection devices should be clean and properly fitting your ear canal. Else, they may cause irritation.

If you would like to enquire about ear protection device, schedule an appointment with our expert hearing care professional and get yourself evaluated today. Our audiologist will recommend you the best hearing protection device. For appointments, please call us at 040-42018181 / +91 8237037087

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