Temporary hearing loss
How to treat a temporary hearing loss in one ear? Temporary hearing loss can be nerve wracking. It occurs to the people who are exposed to loud sounds or noises. Almost everyone is at risk of temporary hearing loss. Remember the last time you went to a loud concert and came out with ringing ears…

How to treat a temporary hearing loss in one ear?
Temporary hearing loss can be nerve wracking. It occurs to the people who are exposed to loud sounds or noises. Almost everyone is at risk of temporary hearing loss.
Remember the last time you went to a loud concert and came out with ringing ears and slightly muted hearing. Likewise, the sinus infection or a terrible cold could cause perplexing hearing loss in one of the ears.
The major causes include ear injury, exposure to loud noises, certain medicines, ear blockage, a tumour, disease, etc. It can also occur naturally as a result of old age. However, the good news is temporary hearing loss is not permanent. Wax build-up in the ear canal, as well as ear infections with fluid build-up, are all easily remedied. On the other hand, some causes are unavoidably irreversible.
What Is Temporary Hearing Loss?
A ringing sound or completely muted hearing in one or both ears is referred to as temporary hearing loss. It usually only affects one ear. While these only last a short time, they can be harmful to your hearing in the long run.
Causes of temporary hearing loss include:
- Loud noise or trauma (injury to the inner ear)
- Ear infection (build-up of fluid in the middle ear)
- Obstruction (an object or liquid trapped in the ear)
- Medication
- Illness such as meningitis
- Allergic (cause inflammation and swelling in the ear)
Depending on what caused the temporary hearing loss, there are a variety of options for treatment. With temporary hearing loss in one ear, it’s something that should be self-treated in the comfort of your own home. Here are a few ways to treat it depending on how it occurred in the first place.
Exposed to loud sound:
If you’ve ever been to a concert or work in a noisy environment, you’ve probably had experienced temporary hearing loss. Our ear hairs are delicate and sensitive, and once harmed; they’re permanently destroyed.When you’re in a position where you’ll be exposed to loud music again, you can take precautions. Wearing earplugs or other ear protection is one option. It may be able to offer the necessary barrier to protect your hearing from additional harm.
Blocked ear canals:
Earwax is the most common cause of blocked ear canals, but other foreign things can get caught inside as well. If a blockage is the cause of your hearing loss, you should have it removed as soon as possible. There are professionals who can help you remove earwax safely, but it should be something that comes out naturally. of course, if it’s giving you any pain, you should have it checked out by a professional audiologist. You should never try to remove it yourself because a professional will have all of the necessary equipment to do it without injuring your eardrum.
Ear infection:
Ear infections are unpleasant and painful. The majority of ear infection-induced inflammation will resolve and return to normal within a few days. If you’re in a lot of discomfort, or if it’s accompanied by a fever or a severe headache, you should visit a doctor right once. Swimmer’s ear can also develop a blockage in your ears. This occurs when water remains in the ear after swimming. Unless it returns to normal on its own, seek medical care. Scratching your inner ear with your fingernail or a cotton cue tip can also create scratches and abrasions.
What’s the Next step?
Temporary hearing loss is curable. Visit the audiologist and follow the treatment to improve the quality of your hearing. The hearing care centres prescribe the treatment based on the intensity and the scale of hearing loss. The temporary remedy and necessary precautions will restore the hearing loss. Seek the professional advice to avoid the causes for the temporary loss before it escalates to permanent hearing loss.
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