Hearing Aid Devices & Academics While hearing devices and other hearing technologies can improve a student’s ability to listen & understand, they are only effective when the student actually uses them. If the child id only wearing the hearing device at home, he is missing out on major vocabulary which is used in his day…

Hearing Loss Affect Child Education

Hearing Aid Devices & Academics

While hearing devices and other hearing technologies can improve a student’s ability to listen & understand, they are only effective when the student actually uses them. If the child id only wearing the hearing device at home, he is missing out on major vocabulary which is used in his day to day affairs. The amount of vocabulary is learned through “initial language” learning, meaning the words a kid learns throughout the day. If they’re not wearing their hearing aid device at home, they’re missing out on a major percentage of the general vocabulary.

Impact of Hearing Loss on School Performance

It really doesn’t have anything to do with the severity of the hearing loss. Even it is mild, severe or nerve related problem, any range of imparity will affect your kid’s performance in school

Children who are facing hearing problem lose access to a great deal of knowledge & information from the lessons, chit-chats & conversations surrounding them daily. Many words sound the same to them, so they’re forced to use a great deal of effort to try to distinguish what’s being said around them, in addition to conversations directed to them.

The extra listening effort is required constantly, and can quickly lead to fatigue for the child. Some additional factors that contribute to listening effort fatigue include:

Auditory Discomfort – If a student who is a child wearing some sort of hearing aid technology, they’re being bombarded with a huge amount of auditory sounds that’s sometimes painful & irritating at times.

Differentiating Speech Sounds – many of the sounds occur same to the children who are hearing impaired. Make them understand the device and make sure they spend considerable amount of time wearing it in their daily routine which adapts into their regular routine. Make sure they differentiate the vocabulary which sounds similar like mother & brother.

Processing the new information– When the students are presented with new content like the physics and technical wordings which are a lot away from where they stand. This leaves them confused and it will be tough to make them understand clearly.

If you happen to observe that your child isn’t responding normally to the sounds  think your child may have a degree of hearing loss, the good news is there are now more hearing device technologies than ever before that can help improve your child’s hearing condition, not just their academic performance, but their overall quality of life.

The most important thing is to have your child’s hearing tested as soon as you doubt there may be a problem. The sooner you can understand the cause and level of hearing loss, the faster your child can be treated and equipped with the device he needs to face the world.

Call us today to Book Appointment

Panjagutta: 8237037087

Kukatpally: 8237037087

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