Tinnitus Myths Vs Facts

If you are one of the Millions of people around the world who is experiencing tinnitus, tinnitus can impact a lot of things in your personal, professional and social life. That constant ringing in the ears can also lead to stress and depression. Tinnitus is identified by the symptoms ringing in the ears, but it…

Tinnitus myths vs facts

If you are one of the Millions of people around the world who is experiencing tinnitus, tinnitus can impact a lot of things in your personal, professional and social life. That constant ringing in the ears can also lead to stress and depression. Tinnitus is identified by the symptoms ringing in the ears, but it can also sound like whistling, buzzing or hissing.

Myth 1: There is no cure for tinnitus

A composite range from a quiet buzzing to an extreme ringing symptom is referred as Tinnitus.
There is no permanent cure for tinnitus now though there are the options to counter the symptoms of tinnitus. Here are some treatments which can help you.

  • Hearing to white sound
  • Tinnitus therapy
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Myth 2: Tinnitus causes brain dead

Fact: No, brain death of tinnitus is a big myth. However, a lot of symptoms of tinnitus arise from the brain injuries. Tinnitus doesn’t directly impact your brain, so it could be some other indicator issue that is affecting your brain.

Myth 3: Tinnitus is same everyday

Fact: Tinnitus is not chronic unlike other problems. It’s not the same constant ringing it changes from time to time according to your condition.
Why is tinnitus louder sometimes?
Why does it get worse sometimes?
Why is tinnitus more irritating at night?

Tinnitus can be irritated by several factors, including diet changes, loud background noises, high-stress levels, and drinking.

Myth 4: Only hearing loss results in tinnitus

Fact: Almost 90 percent of patients who are suffering from hearing loss experience tinnitus, but hearing loss is not the only cause of tinnitus. Brain injuries and whiplash are also common causes of tinnitus, even if the patient never experiences hearing loss.

Myth 5: Tinnitus only affects you physically

Fact: This is one of the most tragic myths about tinnitus. While tinnitus is a physical condition but it most probably effects on the patients mental condition.

Myth 6: Tinnitus is permanent

Fact: All the new patients who have diagnosed recently with tinnitus believe that tinnitus is permanent.
Thankfully, tinnitus is not a permanent symptom in life. It can be treated sometimes and in some people it goes away without treatment.

Myth 7: Healthy diet will cure tinnitus

Fact: Healthy eating will definitely give you a quality of lifestyle. But it is not proved medically that eating healthy can cure tinnitus

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