What’s A Safe Listening volume?
What are the signs that keep you alert? “Beware of dogs” “Beware of sharks” You cannot ignore the caution signs like this. You get alerted before entering strangers’ homes and before going into shark-infested waters. It is harder for people to understand a few things without signs. Hearing problems come without any warning. You must…
What are the signs that keep you alert? “Beware of dogs” “Beware of sharks”
You cannot ignore the caution signs like this. You get alerted before entering strangers’ homes and before going into shark-infested waters. It is harder for people to understand a few things without signs. Hearing problems come without any warning. You must understand the signs implied.
It is prior alertness or scare of dogs and sharks that keep us thinking and it is fairly intuitive. Are you alerting yourself to the loud noises that can damage your ears?
Ear lobes are the sensitive parts that are affected and which might give you hearing problems. You are in danger if you’re at a rock concert with no proper safety to your ears as same as your Bluetooth speakers at their highest volumes inside your ears.
Loud noises are not only hazardous for you it’s also the continuity of sounds exposed to you for more than a few minutes.
·30 dB: Normal conversation would be at this volume level. This is the level there won’t be any limit to how long you can be exposed.
·80 – 85 dB: The sound level of heavy traffic, lawn equipment, or an air conditioner. Continuous exposure to this level of sound for two hours becomes very hazardous.
·90 – 95 dB: anything around 95 dB in as little as 50 minutes can do a great deal of damage to your ears. A motorcycle or mixer grinder is an example of this level of sound.
·100 dB: The 100 dB sound can become hazardous for you. If you’re exposed to it for more than a few minutes. A train sound when on a platform and a mid-sized sporting event can create this amount of sound.
·110 dB: Do you ever increase the volume on your ear dopes up as high as it goes? On most of the smart devices, that’s approximately around this level. This level of exposure can affect you after only 5 minutes of exposure.
·120 dB and over: A cricket match in a large cricket stadium or the biggest rock concert pitches the sound over 120 dB. This amount of volume can bring about immediate damage and pain in your ears.