The health of the ears is often a neglected subject but, you know what is more painful to hear? Once damaged, there is very little you can do to reverse the impact. Protecting your hearing from exposure to loud noises can help you from hearing impairment. Of course, age-related hearing loss sometimes is inevitable but, You can minimize the intensity. Here are some ways you can fend off hearing loss.
Loud Noise
Loud noise can permanently damage our hearing, no matter how young or old you are. Avoiding loud noise can prevent you from noise-induced hearing loss. Start protecting your hearing from unsafe use of audio devices. Let us understand the normal range of sound and what is not. Sounds up to 85 decibels are the normal range. Anything beyond this range is harmful to our ears.
Nowadays, it’s easy to install smartphone apps that measure sound intensity. To get an accurate reading, you can calibrate the app.
As much as you enjoy music, realize that listening to high-volume music can be harmful to your ears. If you use earphones/headphones, make sure you are not turning up the volume too high. The best way is to use noise-cancelling earphones that minimize external noise and give you a smooth listening experience even at a lower volume. Avoid using earphones continuously. Give breaks and unplug from loud music.
Loud activities
Protect your hearing when you are at the events or activities with loud music. Nowadays, youngsters enjoy nightclubs and other events and activities that play loud music. While it may seem entertaining, the exposure is extremely harmful.
When you attend such events, remember to stay away from loudspeakers and give a break to your ears. Wearing earplugs or earmuffs can also help in minimizing the sound volume. Also, ensure that you rest your ears by staying in a quieter place after such loud exposure to sound.
If your work involves continuous exposure to loud noise, it is advisable to consider regular hearing checks since you might be at high risk of hearing loss.
Cotton Swabs
Though a common practice, using cotton swabs for cleaning ear wax could be dangerous. The wax build-up is not dirt but a way to protect your ears from dust and harmful particles entering the ear canal. When you insert a swab to remove the wax, you may be at risk of damaging sensitive structures inside your ear.
Follow these simple steps to maintain a healthy hearing and make sure that you visit a hearing care professional to stay up-to-date with your ear health.
If you suspect hearing loss, get examined at the nearest hearing aid center. Early diagnosis is always better to treat.
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