How does Hearing Work in Your Brain?
Hearing depends largely upon the sense of sound in the brain.Sound waves in the air are first converted into electrical signals. These electrical signals which are sent to the brain via auditory nerve are termed as neural code. The neural code is decoded in the brain hearing centre. Sound Processing It takes a good neural…

Hearing depends largely upon the sense of sound in the brain.
Sound waves in the air are first converted into electrical signals. These electrical signals which are sent to the brain via auditory nerve are termed as neural code. The neural code is decoded in the brain hearing centre.
Sound Processing
It takes a good neural code to give a perfect overview of the sound received. The neural code is used by two sub-systems of the brain hearing centre (also known as the auditory cortex) to become a meaningful sound. The two sub-systems are ought to work in synchronization in order to navigate through the sound scene. Orient subsystem constantly interacts with the focus subsystem to process sound.
Orient Subsystem
When the neural code enters orient substem, it is scanned thoroughly to determine the sounds in the surrounding. Its role is to help the brain to analyse and process all the incoming sounds. The orientation here helps the brain to understand which sounds are to be focused and which ones are to be listened to.
Focus Subsystem
It overviews the full sound scene and identifies the sounds that needs to be focused. It works by filtering out irrelevant sounds or rather shifts attention to sounds it wants to focus on.
The brain examines the environment at a frequency of four times every second. This activity helps the hearing to switch attention from one important sound to the other.
When do Problems Arise?
When the brain does not receive complete outlook of the sound, it can turn into a brain problem. People with hearing problem will have a limited sound perception and that in turn means their brain is not receiving the sound in its full perception. Not receiving full sound input accelerates brain problems.
The only way to avoid this problem is to treat the hearing loss in the correct way. Without a hearing aid, the brain will be under mental load as it consistently puts efforts to listen.
Risks Involved with Brain Problems
Hearing problems can put you at a risk of brain problems which can turn into serious life problems.
When there is poor balance between the two subsystems, the risk of injuries caused by falling multiplies. Profound hearing loss can put you at a risk of dementia. Even if the hearing loss is mild to moderate, the risk multiplies by several folds.
The best way to support brain hearing is to give your ears access to complete sound input. Only when the brain receives full sound scene, it can work to its optimum. Wearing a right pair of hearing aid can resolve your hearing problem and stop it from causing brain problems.
At HNR Speech and Hearing Centre, we are equipped with latest treatment for hearing loss. Our Hearing Care Professional will analyse your condition to offer you the most suitable hearing device that can support your natural hearing system.
To get the best hearing aids in Hyderabad, visit our centre or book for a virtual consultation. Call: 040-42018181 / +91 8237037087 to book your slot.