Bimodal Hearing Aids
Technology advancement is leading us to a new era especially solving the hearing related problems. All new technological advancements in this area are helping the people suffering from hearing loss to enjoy the sound in an as natural tone as possible. The refinement has no end, Bimodal Hearing aids as a concept comprising of using…

Technology advancement is leading us to a new era especially solving the hearing related problems. All new technological advancements in this area are helping the people suffering from hearing loss to enjoy the sound in an as natural tone as possible. The refinement has no end, Bimodal Hearing aids as a concept comprising of using two distinct technologies at a same time concurrently in both ears to get overall benefits of the both types of hearing instruments. It has been proven as a very efficient solution in cases where the person is suffering from hearing loss in both the ears and is struggling to get the desired quality of hearing through hearing aids. When it come to hearing experience through both ears this concept of Bimodal hearing aids is the best available solution, combining diverse devices and special stimuli such as a Cochlear Implant in one ear and on the other ear (Contralateral Ear: the ear opposite of the cochlear implant) wearing a hearing aid or a Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (BAHA).
To make the most of the success with this type of hearing solution, each ear has got to be assessed and considered individually and jointly as a system. A lot of individuals remain unsure about the success rate of this ‘concept of hearing’ through a combination of a hearing aid and a cochlear implant and moreover whether their combination could yield any better results than wearing single type in both ears. For this one has to understand that cochlear implant works on a totally different technology and a combination of cochlear implant with a hearing aid or BAHA could yield remarkable outcomes giving a totally new level of hearing experience for the user of any age group, it is to appreciate that this concept of Bimodal Hearing aids has generated very good results among children as well. For understanding this combination concept we have to understand how both technologies works i.e. a hearing aid amplifies and sends the sound to the brain through the ear in the form of sound waves. Before reaching the brain for further processing the sound is ought to travel through the vitiated parts of hearing system. The problem arises in case of severe damage in the hearing system leading to severe hearing loss that is why in certain cases hearing aids do not give desired relief to the wearer. In such scenarios the next level Cochlear implantation provides necessary sound input which a hearing aid is unable to deliver. A cochlear implant offers electrical signals that characterized as sounds straightforwardly through the hearing system. These electrical cues evade damaged areas of the auditory system and stimulate the hearing nerve directly, significantly improving hearing.
Binaural Hearing has always got an extra edge when it comes to quality hearing as the brain is able to incorporate and utilize the sound data gathered from both the ears helps to understand the listening environment much better with enhanced speech understanding. Taking this further Bimodal Hearing aids gives better results than single cochlear implant. It helps in Sound Localization (to get the exact direction from where specific sound is coming, speech understanding in calm and noisy situations, better music hearing, enhancement of linguistic skills and listening advantage upon low pitch sounds etc.
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