Oticon Opn S Hearing Aid
The foremost challenge for any hearing aid remains to be as functional as possible in difficult complex listening environment where there are different layers of incoming sounds. A smart hearing aid automatically adjusts to the surrounding and emits the required sounds with clarity in the ears of the user. Oticon Opn S has taken this…

The foremost challenge for any hearing aid remains to be as functional as possible in difficult complex listening environment where there are different layers of incoming sounds. A smart hearing aid automatically adjusts to the surrounding and emits the required sounds with clarity in the ears of the user. Oticon Opn S has taken this functionality and open sound performance to new levels, also exceptional benefits of Brainhearing feature makes it a must for individuals who admire quality sound, latest technological benefits and complete value for money package. Moreover it is built upon entirely new Velox S platform, which can sense and put a stop to feedback proactively, even ahead of it occurrence.
It is equipped with revolutionary processing capabilities through Velox S platform. it is an 11-core processor, 8 cores for sound processing and 3 cores to manage wireless communication. This platform not only provides quicker automatics, latest immensely sensitive detectors but also augmented memory facilitating it to examine sound 56K additional times per second.
OpenSound Navigator technology in Oticon Opn S Hearing Aid helps to scan the noises from all direction similar to natural hearing process. It generates multiple speakers approach and let the user choose to what to focus upon. Technically it scans the full 360º sound surroundings over 100 times per second to recognize noise and separate it from speech.
OpenSound Booster in these hearing aids augments the sounds, facilitating users in day today noisy situations whenever required.
These hearing aids have OpenSound Optimizer which works on feedback management to feedback prevention. It synchronizes with Feedback shield LX to keep away from false detections. With best possible gain, open fittings and no feedback, it brings users the next level of the open sound experience.
Spatial Sound LX merges a number of highly developed technologies to offer an additional accurate spatial responsiveness to facilitate users recognize where specific noise is coming from.
There are other technologies also attached to it like Speech Guard LX upgrades speech comprehending in difficult hearing environments, Speech Rescue LX transform high frequency sounds into more audible ones, Soft Speech Booster LX refines soft speech grasping up to 20% and Clear Dynamics results in enhanced sound quality in the full dynamic range of life etc.
Oticon Opn S hearing aid has a modern high-tech Wind Noise Management for improved quality of speech in situations with wind noise, with the powerful Velox S platform, Wind Noise Management results in pioneering and very capable wind noise suppression.
Tinnitus SoundSupport offers a wide range of relief sounds to meet the exclusive needs of each individual with tinnitus
Oticon Opn S hearing aids comes in FOUR models i.e. miniRITE, it has 2.4 GHz wireless technology as well as an extensive range of other features. miniRITE T uses wireless telecoil technology. BTE Plus Power features 2.4 GHz wireless technology, telecoil, and long battery life in a compact design. miniRITE R is an attractive addition which offers a distinctive amalgamation of the open sound experience, better connectivity and a high-tech rechargeable lithium-ion solution in a stylish design.
For prices, technical specs or any other enquiry pertaining to the product, buying options etc contact HNR@ 7702407770
Or write to us at contact@hnrspeechandhearing.com