What is Health Related Quality of Life

What is Health Related Quality of Life

What is Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL)? Health-related quality of life is portrayed as the idea that encompasses psychological, physical & emotional health and social behavior. It mainly converges on the influence of sensed rate, i.e., on positive aspects, individual’s everyday life and well-being status have on the quality of life. HRQoL with Hearing Loss…

Mixed Hearing Loss

Mixed Hearing Loss

What Does Mixed Hearing Loss Mean To? Normally, The ear has three main segments, the inner ear, middle ear, and outer ear. When any of the parts get injured or hurt by any cause, it will lead to hearing loss. Suppose the hearing loss causes by deterioration to the (cochlea) inner ear. In that case,…

Hearing Loss Basics

Hearing Loss Basics

Signs Of Hearing Loss When you are unable to hear in one or both of your ears, wholly or partially is said to be hearing loss. Symptoms of hearing loss may include: The foremost sign people may notice muffling of speech Facing difficulty in understanding during background noise or a crowd Struggling to hear when…

How to Communicate with a Hearing-Impaired Person

How to Communicate with a Hearing-Impaired Person

“Good communication creates more positive environment.” If you have a family member or friend who has Hearing loss, you can understand how challenging it is to converse with anyone. So, it’s always appreciated for the people involved in the communication to enhance the communication. When someone has a hearing loss, in addition to a Programmable…

Types of Hearing Loss

Types of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is a condition wherein any part of the ear or auditory hearing system doesn’t function normally. This can be a result of natural impairment or induced due to certain factors. Based on what part of the ear is damaged, Types of hearing loss can be classified into three basic types. Conductive Hearing Loss…