How Treating Hearing Loss Helps Your Mental Health?

How Treating Hearing Loss Helps Your Mental Health?

Hearing Impairment and Mental Health: Hearing Loss is not just a physical inability to hear. Moreover, it can affect mental being too! We can observe a lot of behavioral and lifestyle changes in both children and adults once they realize that they are suffering from hearing loss. Mentally and emotionally, people become weak and get…

Most Frequently Asked Questions About Ear Cleaning?

Most Frequently Asked Questions About Ear Cleaning?

What Is Ear Wax? In medical terms, ear wax is termed as cerumen. It is the material discharged in the ear canal that has antibacterial and lubricating properties. Also, protect against water, fungi, and infections. Moreover, it is said earwax buildup is healthy and normal to have. Earwax Development & Blockage According to some studies,…

Remote Learning During the Pandemic for Children with Hearing Loss

Remote Learning During the Pandemic for Children with Hearing Loss

What Does Remote Learning Refer To? If a child has hearing loss, it might feel tricky to follow the classes compared to regular classmates’ flow. Many types of helpful platforms like virtual Learning, Online Learning, distance learning, and many came into existence to evade these circumstances. It outlines the online learning process using video conferences,…

Hearing Loss in Adults

Hearing Loss in Adults

Roughly one in three people, above the age of 65 gradually notice hearing loss. This is very normal and termed Age-Related Hearing Loss or Presbycusis. They might feel hard and depressed to communicate with family and friends. Mostly, people hesitate and feel embarrassed to confess that they possess hearing loss. Hearing obstacles that are neglected…